Unless otherwise stated, all talks take place at Aston Ingham Village Hall HR9 7LS on the first Thursday in the month at 7.30pm from April to October and at 2pm in February, March and November. There are no meetings in December & January. Members enjoy discounted admission and refreshments are provided.

February 1st: 4 Tables NOTE: 2pm Start

Bring your rods & pendulums along for an afternoon of practical dowsing activities.

March 7th: Sound Bath with Lisa NOTE: 2pm Start

Deep relaxation with a guided meditation and the sound of the 7 crystal singing bowls, one tuned to each of the 7 chakras, ocean drum and chimes which balance, restore and heal. Experience deep relaxation as soothing tones from the singing bowls resonate with, and gently rebalance the body’s energy centres, to promote physical, emotional and spiritual well-being. Bring a mat, blanket, pillow & eye pillow or you can sit in a chair. Wear comfortable clothes.

April 4th: T’ai Chi with Jane Frew

The ancient Chinese art of T’ai Chi is a gentle, low impact, whole body exercise. It focuses on specific postures which work to enhance energy flow throughout the body. It releases stress both in the mind and body and helps to improve flexibility within joints. All ages can benefit from the practice of T’ai Chi. Jane is a member of the Taoist Arts Organisation.

May 9th: Training Evening NOTE: Change of date and earlier start 6.30pm!

The hall is not available on our usual date because it is a Polling Station for the local elections so we have moved back one week. Join us for a training session with Glan and helpers.

June 6th: Egypt: Some Observations About Earth Energies & Other Mysteries with Kate Smart

Egypt continues to fascinate and intrigue us with the monumental pyramids and temples in celestial alignment. For dowsers, the desert land offers a complex terrestrial map of earth energies without the ‘background noise’ of water bearing rock, soil and vegetation we associate with our British landscape. Despite the clarity of the dowsing experience the mysteries of this sophisticated culture, that spans millennia, withholds many secrets. Many of the enigmatic man-made structures were built to endure for eternity and speak for themselves. This talk explores the smallest portion of this rich dowsing experience but highlights some of the most unusual and thought provoking aspects. Kate is a garden designer & Chair of Malvern Dowsers.

July 4th The Elongated Skulled People At Stonehenge with Maria Wheatley

Maria has recently discovered incredible information regarding their long, lost culture.

Maria is an accomplished dowser, author, tour leader, instructor and diviner. See: www.theaveburyexperience.co.uk

August 1st: Water That Plays The Oldest Music with Phil Cope
An illustrated journey through the Living Wells of Britain & Ireland

Phil Cope’s talk illustrated with his photographs will offer an inspiring introduction to the world of British (and Irish) wellsprings. It will explore the origins of our sacred springs, holy wells and spas, and their myriad cultures.

Phil will also be narrating some of their more interesting tales, alongside an assessment of the state of and the threats to our wellspring sites, today. Phil is a photographer & author of six major books on British wellsprings.

September 5th: A Historical look at Aspects of Healing with Nicky Milligan

Nicky has been a practising Healer for years now but is also a qualified Nurse Midwife and Health Visitor and the disciplines should marry well but it’s a real challenge for the NHS to take anything like this on board, especially as Nurses are now doing their best to distance themselves from the Florence Nightingale approach.

October 3rd: The Cunning Folk with Tamsin Powell

Tamzin is an anthropologist, writer and Wica Pioneer. She is author of “The Witches Ways in the Welsh Borders: Ethnography of Contemporary & Historical Customs of Cunning Folk Magic”. She has spent years looking at the cunning folk, the practitioners of folk healing and magic along the border between Monmouthshire and the Forest of Dean.

November 7th: AGM, followed by talk & Afternoon Tea NOTE: 2pm Start