Unless otherwise stated, all talks take place at Aston Ingham Village Hall HR9 7LS on the first Thursday in the month at 7.30pm from April to October and at 2pm in February, March and November. There are no meetings in December & January. Members enjoy discounted admission and refreshments are provided.

February 6th:  NOTE: 2pm Start

We will restart the year in February with an afternoon meeting. Our own Gilly Woolfson will be our speaker, leading a practical session on psychometry. This is how she describes the session:-
Definition:- Psychometry is the process whereby facts or impressions about a person or thing are received through contact with an object associated with the subject of the impressions.
A fun & interesting, practical session to bring out your powers of psychometry. It will be a case of relaxing, being open to the impressions you receive with the objects. All is vibration so this is what you will be picking up.
Please bring 2 or 3 personal objects to be used during the evening.

March 6th:  Reading Tea Leaves with Marie Davies. NOTE: 2pm Start

I am a Forest of Dean based intuitive tarot card reader who has used tarot for many years. I also have an interest in Tasseography (the art of reading tea leaves) and have been lucky enough to learn this form of divination within the traveller community.
I will be demonstrating how we read tea leaves, what some of the signs and symbols mean and maybe even reading some of your leaves too!

April 3rd:  A Journey to the Megaliths of Ireland. NOTE: 7.30pm Start

We return to our usual Thursday evening slot for the summer months.

Jayne Tovey is passionate about the Gloucestershire’s Stone Stiles Project. Life was tough in the Covid Years she found solace and strength walking in the countryside, and connected with the stones which she received messages from.
She has branched out with her dowsing and communication to include stones at sacred sites. She has followed her intuition and heart, and been on quite an extraordinary journey visiting many megalithic sites in Ireland. She will share with you lots of beautiful photos of stunning sites and information about megaliths.

May 1st: Tamzin Powell:

Tamzin is an anthropologist, writer and Wicca Pioneer. She is author of “The Witches Ways in the Welsh Borders: Ethnography of Contemporary & Historical Customs of Cunning Folk Magic”. She has spent years looking at the cunning folk, the practitioners of folk healing and magic along the border between Monmouthshire and the Forest of Dean.

June 5th: TBC

July 3rd: TBC

August 7th: Training Evening

September 4th: TBC

October 2nd: Soundbath with Lisa:

Deep relaxation with a guided meditation and the sound of the 7 crystal singing bowls, one tuned to each of the 7 chakras, ocean drum and chimes which balance, restore and heal. Experience deep relaxation as soothing tones from the singing bowls resonate with, and gently rebalance the body’s energy centres, to promote physical, emotional and spiritual well being. Bring a mat, blanket, pillow & eye pillow or you can sit in a chair. Wear comfortable clothing.

November 6th: AGM, followed by talk & Afternoon Tea NOTE: 2pm Start