Unless otherwise stated, all talks take place at Aston Ingham Village Hall HR9 7LS on the first Thursday in the month at 7.30pm from April to October and at 2pm in February, March and November. There are no meetings in December & January. Members enjoy discounted admission and refreshments are provided.

February 6th:  NOTE: 2pm Start

We will restart the year in February with an afternoon meeting. Our own Gilly Woolfson will be our speaker, leading a practical session on psychometry. This is how she describes the session:-
Definition:- Psychometry is the process whereby facts or impressions about a person or thing are received through contact with an object associated with the subject of the impressions.
A fun & interesting, practical session to bring out your powers of psychometry. It will be a case of relaxing, being open to the impressions you receive with the objects. All is vibration so this is what you will be picking up.
Please bring 2 or 3 personal objects to be used during the evening.

March 6th:   NOTE: 2pm Start

April 3rd:

May 1st:

June 5th:

July 3rd

August 7th.

September 4th:

October 2nd:

November 6th: AGM, followed by talk & Afternoon Tea NOTE: 2pm Start